Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shih Tzu Proofing Your Home~from a reputable California breeder

When you bring your Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier home everyone in the family is very excited and a lot of the times this might be your first Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier experience. We reputible breeders work very hard home raising our Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier's so that the adoption into your new home is smooth and fun. Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier puppies have lots of energy and natural curiosity, and they love to explore their new world in your home. This is part of what makes it so much fun for the family but can also lead your Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier into potential trouble and danger. Make sure you secure your home as you would for a toddler. If you are not sure and how to do this just read the steps below. Its easy!

  • Know which plants in your home are toxic to your new puppy and place them out of reach. Puppies love to smell and try new things like plants. Two plants that are typically found in your home would be Philodendrons and Caladium. Make sure these are out of reach.
  • Keep all medications out of your  puppies reach. Place them up high in your cabinets. 
  • Put bathroom trash cans off of the ground including sanitary supplies and kitchen trash as well. Puppies will search for items that have not been introduced to before such as toilet paper, paper towel rolls etc.
  • Although most of your furniture is safe for your Shih Tzu/Yorkie puppy there are still a few items you need to watch out for. Rocking chairs can sometimes harm your puppies tail or paw. Sliding doors can sometimes do the same since your puppy will follow you for love all over your home.
  • Electrical cords are possibly the most dangerous for your  puppy. Since cords are rubber/plastic and puppies love to chew this makes it a direct target for your Shih Tzu/Yorkie. Tie up your loose electrical cords and try to keep them out of site.
  • Keep small objects away from your puppy as you would away from a child. Coins, knits, clothing, jewelry and anything else your puppy would love to chew on.
  • Food scraps are your puppies desire! Make sure your puppy never gets to your chicken bones and or any other scraps left behind.
DON'T WORRY! This is not for ever. As your Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier grows with your family he/she becomes adjusted to the rules and environment of your home. Although there are many steps you must look into, it does not take much of your time. You as a owner will also notice other steps yourself that may be dangerous to your puppy in your home. Once your  puppy is grown up it will all be about more fun for your family and your puppy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Discover the breed characteristics of the Shih Tzu.

Shih Tzu

Jacklyn E. Hungerland, Ph.D.
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Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu
Buy Now!
It's easy to fall in love with a Shih Tzu of almost any age, but it is almost impossible to resist a Shih Tzu puppy. That adorable little ball of fluff simply demands that you not only pick it up but that you take it home immediately. When you do take your Shih Tzu puppy home, what can you expect from your newfound friend for life?
Character Traits
As described in the ancient standard for the breed, the Shih Tzu is a small, intelligent and extremely docile dog. It is truly a companion dog that likes to be near its owner. Because the primary role of the breed is to excel as a companion and house pet, the dog's ideal temperament is outgoing, happy, affectionate, friendly and trusting. The Shih Tzu's physical characteristics, such as a long coat and brachycephalic head (pushed in face), necessitate that it live as an indoor pet. They don't do well in situations in which they are separated from their owners, and they definitely do not belong in the backyard. Even as indoor dogs, though, they need to be protected from becoming overheated. Be sure that your home is well-ventilated and your dog has access to a room that is cool and protected from direct sunlight.
The Shih Tzu's broad nose makes breathing somewhat difficult, which partially explains its desire to stay indoors. While inside, this breed should never be put in a situation in which it doesn't have access to open free-flowing fresh air. With its bounty of fur, the Shih Tzu can tolerate the cold much better than it can the heat.

The current American Kennel Club Standard for the breed states in part: "The Shih Tzu is a sturdy, lively, alert toy dog with long flowing double coat. Befitting its noble Chinese ancestry as a highly valued, prized companion and palace pet, the Shih Tzu is proud of bearing, has a distinctively arrogant carriage with head well up and tail curved over the back. ..." These are characteristics Shih Tzu possess when they come into the world. How do these traits translate into a home companion? What is it like to live with this energetic and enchanting but stubborn little doggie?
Training? Me? Surely You JestTouched with a dose of pride and arrogance, the Shih Tzu is not easy to train. After all, in ancient China, nothing more was required of the Shih Tzu other than looking beautifully ornamental while accompanying emperors and empresses in processions throughout the Chinese streets. Such regal bearings have seemed to stay with the Shih Tzu from one generation to the next because this imperial attitude can still be found in the modern-day Shih Tzu. Along with this arrogance, the Shih Tzu can be quite stubborn, and making this dog do what you want it to do can be a challenge.
Shih Tzu don't like rules. They have relatively short attention spans and selectively short memories. They can become easily distracted and forget where they are and what rule applies to the situation at hand. These are traits that make Shih Tzu the happy-go-lucky little clowns that attract us in the first place, so you must be very patient with training expectations. Some of the more difficult areas of training merit discussion.
Housetraining: Getting the concept of what is commonly known as housebreaking across to the Shih Tzu presents the greatest challenge to its owner. It is probably easier to train your Shih Tzu to eliminate on a newspaper than it is to teach it to go outside. Waiting is not one of the Shih Tzu's better qualities. Sometimes they choose to "forget" their training if you have done something they don't like.
If your Shih Tzu still has a lot of puppy hair or if it is in a trim with full hair on its legs, it might be even more challenging to housebreak it. Remember, these are small dogs with short legs that are close to the ground, which makes it difficult for you to see if they are squatting or lifting a leg. Lots of mistakes may be made along the way to success, but patience will eventually pay off. You will just have to plan ahead to spend the time needed to get the message across to your Shih Tzu. Be sure to take your Shih Tzu outside frequently to prevent it from having any unnecessary accidents inside your home. You are equally responsible for the successful housebreaking of your Shih Tzu puppy or adult. If you are present when your dog eliminates in the proper place, lots of praise and a few cookies will motivate your dog to again properly relieve itself. It is also possible to train small dogs such as the Shih Tzu to use a litter box for emergency needs.
Don't leave me!: Being alone is not what comes naturally to a Shih Tzu. They are people dogs and want to be with you as much as possible, if not all of the time. This trait cannot be overstressed: Shih Tzu are companion dogs and that means that they want to be your companion.
Many people work outside of the home and enjoy numerous activities outside of it as well, therefore, it is inevitable that at times your Shih Tzu will be home alone. Under these circumstances, your Shih Tzu needs a place of its own. A bed is good, but a crate is preferable. If your puppy spends "time-outs" in its crate from the beginning, it will soon learn that it is a safe, quiet place away from family hubbub. Quite often, if you leave the crate door open, your Shih Tzu will voluntarily venture inside for a refreshing nap. If you make the crate a luringly comfortable placesoft cushion, water bottle and a few toysit becomes a little suite for the dog. Once accustomed to spending time in its crate, the dog will be happier if it has to go to the vet or to the kennel or on an airplane. Your Shih Tzu will feel safe, even if its feelings are hurt because you are putting it on a time-out for misbehaving.
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The breed counts for the 2011 AKC Eukanuba National Championship -

We are so excited to announce the Breed Counts for the 2011 AKC Eukanuba National Championship being held December 17 & 18 in Orlando Florida! #AKCEukShow

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Warnings and recalls

WARNING!!!!! FOR ALL DOG LOVERS: It was on Fox news earlier that 70 dogs have died as a result of eating chicken jerky treats made from chicken that has come from China. Kingdom Pets brand from Costco is one of them. Also certain Blue Buffalo brand pet foods have a recall for the same thing. Please re post and make sure all your doggie friends are aware of this.......
I got this from a rescue organization, but have not had a chance to check it thoroughly. Shih Tzu and Yorkie's are small and it happen's even quicker with them...

Thursday, November 24, 2011


In canine-loving households, The National Dog Show Presented by Purina is as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie. Watch today at noon on NBC!

In canine-loving households, The National Dog Show Presented by Purina is as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie. For the 10th consecutive year, NBC will air The National Dog Show Presented by Purina immediately following its telecast of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Some 2,000 purebreds from 170 breeds will vie for the coveted Best in Show title at the prestigious event, hosted by the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. This year, six new American Kennel Club (AKC)-sanctioned breeds make their debut at the event: Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Norwegian Lundehund, Xoloitzcuintli, American English Coonhound, Cesky Terrier and Finnish Lapphund. (Click here for more on the new breeds.)
John O’Hurley of Seinfeld fame and the season one winner of ABC’s Dancing With the Stars will host the show. O’Hurley will be joined by analyst David Frei, the voice of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on the USA Network and one of America’s top authorities on the sport. (Check out their video below on how to watch a dog show.)
According to the AKC, the goal of dog shows is to evaluate breeding stock in order to find the best dogs who can produce the next generation of purebreds. The judges evaluate teeth, muscles, bones and coat texture, as well as view each dog in profile to assess overall balance and see how the features fit together in action. Judges then give awards according to how closely each contender compares to the mental image of the "perfect" dog described in the breed's official standard, including specifications for structure, temperament and movement.
The elite canines must prevail through several levels of competition in order to capture Best in Show. The dogs are initially judged against their own breed, with the first-place winners advancing to compete in one of seven group competitionsSporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding. Four placements are awarded in each group, but only  first-place winners advance to the Best in Show competition. Last year’s Best in Show winner was a 3-year-old Irish Setter named Clooney (aka GCH. Windntide Mr. Sandman).
NBC’s broadcast of The National Dog Show Presented by Purina airs Thursday, November 24, 2011, from noon to 2 p.m. in all time zones.

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Why Does My Dog Lean on Me?
Why Does My Dog Sleep Belly Up?
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Top Ten Thanksgiving Tips for Pets

Thanksgiving celebrations have almost arrived once again which means we must take extra care to keep our furry friends safe. With visitors coming and going and all types of foods surrounding the home it is important to keep a close eye on pets to make sure they stay out of trouble and enjoy thanksgiving too. This month's article gives you the top ten thanksgiving tips to make sure you know the do's and don'ts to keep your pet happy during all the festive celebrations!

  1. Festive treats can harm pets
    Owners need to be aware of the festive treats that their pets are eating. A number of foods that are found on the table at this time of the year can be very dangerous to our pets. Leftover fat and other various fatty foods can cause pancreatitis, a very serious and occasionally fatal disease.


  2. Bones can be dangerous
    Although bones may seem to be a favorite among pets, it is important to keep turkey and ham bones right away. These bones can splinter and become lodged in an animal’s throat or intestine as well as cause severe constipation.


  3. Nut warning 
    Different forms of nuts have been found to produce muscle weakness and paralysis among pets. Macadamia nuts are found to be the most dangerous. Paralysis tends not to be permanent, with pets usually regaining full use of their legs. If you think that your pet may have eaten any nuts, then it is important to seek veterinary advice immediately.

  4. Strictly no alcohol
    Alcoholic drinks are a popular part of the festive season, but it is important to remember to keep them far away from any animals. Dogs and cats are highly susceptible to the poisonous affects of alcohol due to them being much smaller in size than humans.


  5. Chocolate can kill
    Even the slightest ounce of chocolate can be fatal to a small dog. The substance theobromine found in chocolate, particularly in dark and unsweetened forms, is extremely dangerous to pets. Vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, hyperactivity and seizures are all the major symptoms of poisoning. In some cases, dogs may not show any signs of poisoning for several hours, with possible death occurring up to twenty-four hours later.

  6. No turkey stuffing
    The chemical thiosulphate can often be found in turkey stuffing, which is made up of onions and garlic. This chemical can cause a pet’s red blood cells to weaken and even rupture.


  7. Pet friendly treats only
    With all the food dangers that your pet may be faced with, it doesn’t mean that they have to miss out on indulging in any special treats altogether. There are many treats on the market such as Aristopet's Healthy Pet Treats that you can give them so they don’t feel left out. These treats are tasty and provide your pets with a reward while also contributing to a healthy balanced diet.

  8. Pet safety zones
    When it comes to parties and celebrations it is often a good idea to consider setting up a pet-safe retreat so your pets can relax away from all of the excitement. The retreat could be in a spare room or quiet corner of the house with all of the necessities such as food, water and a few toys to keep them entertained. You should also remember to regularly check on them to ensure that they are not stressed.

  9. Shut doors and gates
    With people coming and going and lots of strangers around, it is very important to check that doors and gates are shut tight. Pets should be supervised or kept on a lead to avoid them escaping. It is also a great time of the year to get your pet micro chipped for extra caution.


  10. Put rubbish away
    Rubbish and leftovers can be very tempting for pets to eat, but they can also be very dangerous for them. Be sure to dispose of any leftovers and waste to avoid your pet getting hold of anything that might be harmful. It is important to dispose of trash properly and to make sure that garbage cans are secured properly so that curious pets can't get into them or knock them over.   

Dog Treat Kitchen

Making jerky for your dog is not a difficult process. These chicken jerky treats are a perfect example of easy dog treat recipes.
chicken jerky dog treats
  • Chicken Breast Fillets
  1. Preheat oven to 200° F
  2. Lightly grease a baking sheet.
  3. Rinse off chicken breast and remove any fat.
  4. Slice the chicken with the grain. This will help make the jerky even chewier for your dog. The slices should be very thin, about 1/8" to 1/4" thickness.
  5. Place the strips on the baking sheet.
  6. Bake for approximately 2 hours (see note below).
  7. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack until completely cool.
  8. Cut strips into bite sized pieces.
Storing: These homemade dog treats may not last long enough to be stored because they are so good. But, just in case they do, store them in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. Freeze any remainder for up to 8 months. Be sure to read our tips on storing homemade dog treats for more information.

Tips & Techniques

  • Checking - The baking times will vary due to difference in ovens, temperatures and meat size. Your jerky treats should be firm and dry, not at all soft or spongy. It is safer to go a little extra dry and firm than for the meat to be underdone.
  • Cutting - Once the treats are cool, it's easier to cut them with kitchen scissors or a pizza cutter, than a regular knife.
There is so much flexibility when making your own chicken jerky dog treats. One of the best options is that you do not need to be restricted to only using chicken. So let's preheat the oven and go for low and slow for these tasty jerky treats.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Yorkshire Terriers

Discover the breed characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier.

Diane Morgan

Buy Now!
To all outward appearances, your Yorkshire Terrier seems harmless: too charming to overlook, but too miniscule to take seriously. Believe this at your peril. Once a Yorkie enters your home, the place is his. He soon will have the entire family bowing and scraping (literally!). Many of us already know this firsthand, but what some of us are not yet aware of is that these tiny dogs are planning on taking over the entire world.
Don’t believe me? While nobody was paying attention, for example, the Yorkie has made a silent but steady ascent up the ladder on the American Kennel Club’s registration lists. Half a century or so ago, the Yorkie ranked 57th among the 112 breeds, but by 1970, the breed had climbed to 17th place.  By 1980, he was up to No. 11, and broke into the top 10 in 1995. Today, the formidable toy terrier ranks No. 2, behind only the perennial Labrador Retriever. But Labs had better watch out, because Yorkies are about to bite ‘em in the butts. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
The idea of Yorkies taking over the world is, in a way, a comforting one. The Yorkie is beautiful, courageous, sociable, hyper-sophisticated and super intelligent. If any dog deserves to own the planet, it’s surely this one. Let’s take a look at the Yorkshire Terrier’s 13-step program for taking over.
Step 1: Distract the owner with extreme cuteness.
While the human is oohing and aahing over the adorable mite, the tiny terror (I meant “terrier,” of course) is using his magical powers to receive extra treats, a special place on the bed or a diamond necklace in place of the cheap rhinestone one originally purchased. Tap water will and must be replaced by Perrier. As for ordinary dog food -- forget it. Yorkies prefer lean cuts of home-prepared beef, salmon and chicken, with fresh grilled veggies on the side.
Step 2: Smother with hair.
Although the Yorkshire Terrier is tiny, he magically produces more hair than a Newfoundland in the dead of winter. However, Yorkies do not shed, and that’s part of their magic. Still, they can and will manage to tangle or mat up their luxuriant and silky hair at a moment’s notice, forcing the owner to spend hours grooming or having it cut to a sensible length. (If you decide to try for the long coat, it is essential that the part is even. Yorkies cannot abide a crooked part.) Most Yorkies seem to enjoy the bows their owners insist on decorating them with, as long as the colors complement their hair. Some people have no taste in this matter.
Step 3: Misdirect the human’s attention.
The Yorkie is well-versed in the art of slight-of-paw. Notably, he is able to use his skills in misdirection to disorient the human about how many terriers he or she actually owns. Many Yorkshire Terrier owners thought they had only one Yorkie, only to discover later that they had four of them. Or vice versa.
Those old enough to remember the original Star Trek TV series may recall the incredibly cute tribbles, which looked suspiciously like Yorkshire Terrier puppies, and which eventually took over the Starship Enterprise. That’s what will happen at your house -- even if you only have one Yorkie. (Be forewarned: Nearly everyone who gets one Yorkshire Terrier eventually gets two -- and so on. They are so small and active, it’s hard to keep count.)
Step 4: Start barking.
Yorkies are sometimes accused of being “yappy.” They are not yappy. They are engaged in a carefully planned (and high-pitched) tactic to get what they want. Nor do they bark all the time, as detractors claim. Yorkies bark only when: (a) intruders approach, (b) it’s dinnertime, (c) it’s near dinnertime, (d) they think it’s near dinnertime, (d) they want to be petted, (f) they want to go out, (g) they want to play, (h) they want you to come home, (i) they want to you throw the cat off your lap so they can sit there, or (j) they want something else, and who knows what the heck it is? The important thing is that Yorkies like to keep you guessing.
The Yorkshire Terrier has perfectly calibrated his barking to a pitch that’s precisely unbearable to human ears when continued for more than five seconds. The Yorkie employs this method to obtain his desires when more subtle clues like staring, nudging and peeing on the floor seem to escape the owner’s notice.
Step 5: Manipulate the other pets.
Yorkshire Terriers are smarter than most other dogs, and usually can manage to get someone else blamed for things they do themselves. “It couldn’t have been the Yorkie,” thinks the naïve owner, gazing with dismay at the ripped curtains, unrolled toilet paper and chewed-up couch. “She’s too tiny to make a mess this big.” The Lab gets in trouble instead, and the Yorkie snickers up his silky sleeve. The Labrador just looks guilty.
Step 6: Convince the owner that he is impossible to housetrain.
Almost every Yorkie book and website warns owners that the little dogs are a challenge to housetrain. Well, maybe, but the true reason is seldom given. Yorkshire Terriers find outdoor toilet facilities demeaning and prefer to eliminate in the house, same as their owners. You can solve the problem quite easily by providing an indoor doggie litter box, preferably encrusted with jewels, or by using the outdoors yourself, so the dog doesn’t feel so self-conscious.
Step 7: Complain about the cold.
Because they only have a single coat (not double coated like other breeds), most Yorkies hate cooler weather, and owners try to compensate by buying or knitting charming dog sweaters and booties for their darlings. These are better than nothing, especially if they are designer-made, but the most advanced Yorkies manage to convince their humans to buy a winter home in Bermuda or Hawaii. They prefer beachfront property, as long as it is near high-end shopping. In Bermuda, the little dogs can wear their bikinis.
Step 8: Take over family planning.
Many Yorkshire Terriers are leery of small, loud, bumbling children, who have been known to tease or fall on these little dogs. In response to that unsatisfactory state of affairs, some Yorkies have managed to convince their owners that a child-free relationship is better for everyone. Someone I knew refused to consider having a baby “until Twitters passes away,” as she said. Being a member of a long-lived breed, Twitters hung on until he was 18, and my friend’s biological clock stopped ticking. So she and her husband got another Yorkie.
Step 9: Fake being a watchdog.
Yorkies are renowned for their alertness, and most family members fondly believe that the Yorkie is warning them of dangers. Wrong. The Yorkie aims to keep everyone out -- both friend and foe. And they don’t care what the neighbors think, either.
Part of the Yorkie’s diabolical world takeover plot is to isolate his family from the outside world, so that you soon will have no friends or anywhere to turn when the inevitable happens, and you are begging your terrier for a scrap of food or the corner of the bed.
Don’t get your hopes up. Yorkies are not known for their compassion. But they do have a sense of humor. In a famous incident, two Yorkshire Terriers leapt to the aid of their elderly owner when she was accosted by a flasher. The Yorkies leapt up and bit the man where it hurt the most. Yorkies not only are brave, but they also are terribly offended by lewd behavior.
They also are fearless where other dogs are concerned. A Yorkie named Oliver broke out of his own house and raced across the street to distract an insane Akita who was attacking an elderly lady. He distracted the huge dog long enough for the victim to make a getaway and suffered some injury himself before he was able to scamper to safety under a car. He received eight stitches and a lot of praise for his courage. There truly is no braver dog than the Yorkshire Terrier.
For another real Yorkie hero, one has to look no further than Smokey, a decorated World War II dog who took baths in her owner’s, Army Corporal Bill Wynne, helmet. (Even on a New Guinea battlefield, a true-blooded Yorkie insists on cleanliness.) Found in a fox-hole, she participated in 12 air-sea rescues and lived through 150 bombardments. It was never clear where she came from originally, since she refused to answer commands in either English or Japanese. Perhaps they forgot to say “please.” The dog actually helped build Allied airfields by dragging wires though narrow culverts no one else could get through. Smokey was later voted “Mascot of the South Pacific,” and finished her career by traveling around the world demonstrating her tricks -- she could walk a tight wire blindfolded.
Step 10: Be portable.
Nothing pleases the adventurous Yorkie more than being where the action is, which is seldom at home. It’s not an accident that the Yorkshire Terrier is so small. Being little is part of the big plan. The Yorkie is so small that you have no excuse not to carry him along with you wherever you go, even into places that are usually forbidden to lesser breeds. (Most toy breeds hate being “boarded out,” and Yorkies are probably tops in this category. They also are not crazy about being left on their own, so you basically have no choice. The Yorkie has made sure of that.) And once you’re in that fancy restaurant or high-class boutique, who is going to be cold-hearted enough to kick you out? Not with that adorable little dog, who’s busy distracting the proprietor with his cuteness. Eventually, the dog will be attached to your hip and you’ll be unable to leave without him even in the unlikely event that you should wish to.
Step 11: Be nice.
The Yorskhire’s Terrier’s ability to get along with other pets, including cats and larger dogs, makes him an easy addition to anyone’s home. And that’s part of the plan, of course. Almost everyone has room for a least one Yorkie, and before you know it, people own a dozen of them and nothing else. Don’t worry, your Yorkie will be very friendly with all the other pets while he is easing them out of your heart and home. As a favor, he may also de-mouse your house, mostly because he can’t stand sharing his living quarters with rodents.
Step 12: Get bored.
Yorkies are so intelligent that they bore easily, and that means they require a great deal of slavish attention from their owners to keep them entertained. The captivated owner can play games with them or even enlist them in a sport that’s laughably known as “obedience.” Yorkies are quite good at this endeavor, so long as they are given treats, toys and other rewards every step of the way. They also excel at agility, although they tend to negotiate the jumps in the order they prefer, rather than the one “ordered” by the owner. The result, however, is that all the spectators gather around and say, “Oh, how sweet!” Thus, the sneaky terrier ropes in more slavish admirers while still doing precisely as he pleases. Of course, Yorkies excel in the show ring, where they simply float by their competition.
However, one should be aware that every Yorkie thinks he should win every class and if he doesn’t, he is liable to take it out on you, and demand more toys and costly items of apparel.
Step 13: Replace the remaining family members in the owner’s heart.
Everyone who has a Yorkie falls deeply and irrevocably in love. Husbands, parents and even children soon take second, third and fourth place in the Yorkie owner’s affection. Soccer games are missed to take the dog to the beauty parlor. Anniversaries are forgotten because the Yorkie needs a new sweater. Family vacations are skipped because the Yorkie doesn’t want to stay in a kennel. Important children’s vaccinations are omitted because there is only enough money for one family member to be up to date on shots.
A friend of mine had just gotten a charming Yorkie as a birthday present for her husband. As she was driving home, she passed an ancient Navajo woman walking along and gave her lift. For a long time the woman remained silent, but finally asked my friend what was in the crate. “It's a Yorkshire Terrier puppy,” my friend explained. “I got it for my husband.” The woman was quiet for another minute, staring at the puppy. At last she solemnly pronounced, “Good trade.”

chicken jerky products for dogs

November 18, 2011
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is again cautioning consumers that chicken jerky products for dogs (also sold as chicken tenders, strips or treats) may be associated with illness in dogs. In the last 12 months, FDA has seen an increase in the number of complaints it received of dog illnesses associated with consumption of chicken jerky products imported from China. These complaints have been reported to FDA by dog owners and veterinarians.
FDA issued a cautionary warning regarding chicken jerky products to consumers in September 2007 and a Preliminary Animal Health Notification in December of 2008. After seeing the number of complaints received drop off during the latter part of 2009 and most of 2010, the FDA is once again seeing the number of complaints rise to the levels of concern that prompted release of our earlier warnings.
Chicken jerky products should not be substituted for a balanced diet and are intended to be fed occasionally in small quantities.
FDA is advising consumers who choose to feed their dogs chicken jerky products to watch their dogs closely for any or all of the following signs that may occur within hours to days of feeding the products: decreased appetite; decreased activity; vomiting; diarrhea, sometimes with blood; increased water consumption and/or increased urination. If the dog shows any of these signs, stop feeding the chicken jerky product. Owners should consult their veterinarian if signs are severe or persist for more than 24 hours. Blood tests may indicate kidney failure (increased urea nitrogen and creatinine). Urine tests may indicate Fanconi syndrome (increased glucose). Although most dogs appear to recover, some reports to the FDA have involved dogs that have died.
FDA, in addition to several animal health diagnostic laboratories in the U.S., is working to determine why these products are associated with illness in dogs. FDA’s Veterinary Laboratory Response Network (VLRN) is now available to support these animal health diagnostic laboratories. To date, scientists have not been able to determine a definitive cause for the reported illnesses. FDA continues extensive chemical and microbial testing but has not identified a contaminant.
The FDA continues to actively investigate the problem and its origin. Many of the illnesses reported may be the result of causes other than eating chicken jerky. Veterinarians and consumers alike should report cases of animal illness associated with pet foods to the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator in their state or go to http://www.fda.gov/petfoodcomplaints.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coenzyme Q10 for Dogs

A Boost for the Cardio System for All dogs of 7 or younger dogs with heart issues

Coenzyme Q 10 is a compound that is made naturally in the body. The body uses it for cell growth and to protect cells from damage.Studies have shown that Coenzyme Q10 helps the immune system work better and makes the body better able to resist certain infections and types of cancer.
Clinical trials have shown that coenzyme Q10 helps protect the heart.

A Daily Supplement for Superior Health

Dr. Harvey recommends Coenzyme Q10 as a daily supplement for all dogs over 7 years of age.
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant and helps every cell in the body to work better, therefore protecting your dog against heart disease and other degenerative conditions. Each capsule contains 30 mg. of human grade only Coenzyme Q10

Monday, November 14, 2011

AKC PAC~ your Dogs, Your Rights

Dear AKC Club Member:                                                                                             
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has been protecting the interests of purebred dog owners for 126 years.  
Today, as never before, our right to own and breed dogs responsibly is being threatened by the introduction of repressive canine legislation.  This year AKC Government Relations has tracked over 1, 200 bills from across the United States that seek to impact the rights of dog owners and breeders.  In addition to radical ownership limits, breeding restrictions, spay/neuter mandates, and breed-specific restrictions, some proposals have gone so far as to attempt to regulate all owners of multiple dogs as commercial breeders, regardless of breeding practices.  The similarity of these measures from one state to another demonstrates the efforts of a national agenda aimed at taking away our rights to own and breed dogs in a manner consistent with our expertise.
Successfully defending our way of life requires that we all stand up to defend our rights. It also depends on ensuring that lawmakers in office understand our concerns, and are willing to fight for the future of our dogs, our sport, and our way of life.  On behalf of the AKC Political Action Committee (AKC PAC), I’m asking for your assistance.
One of the easiest ways we can defend our rights is by supporting the election of candidates who share our interests. Through the AKC PAC, you have the opportunity to join with other purebred dog owners in support of elected officials and candidates who champion AKC’s positions on responsible dog ownership, breeding, and showing, and who will defend dog sports and responsible breeders during these legislative battles.  One hundred percent of your contributions go directly to supporting the campaigns of candidates who will help protect our rights.*
The common bond between all dog fanciers is our love of the purebred dog.  We have shared interests and a shared responsibility to preserve the right to own and breed dogs.  The challenges ahead are daunting, but together with your help, we can ensure that these rights are protected for years to come. 

Carl C. Ashby, III
Chairman, AKC PAC Board

* Although the AKC PAC can only accept donations from individuals, clubs can help too by encouraging their members to donate or by supporting AKC legislation activities.  For more information contact AKCPAC@akc.org or visit www.akc.org/PAC.
Your Dog. Your Rights. Protect Them Both. 
8051 Arco Corporate Drive Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27617-3390  Tel: 919-816-3720 Fax: 919-816-4275 Email: AKCPAC@akc.org
American Kennel Club Canine Legislation Department News Articles

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Yorkie puppies stolen - Be on the look out

Puppies Stolen
Posted:  11/11/2011 11:16 PM
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Three Yorkshire Terrier puppies were stolen Friday from their home in Buena Park.
Someone smashed the living room window at the house of owner Linda Bush, and tore the seven week old dogs away from their nursing mother.
Bush says the thieves left three other adult dogs, but made off with television sets, jewelry, cameras and the pure bred puppies, who are worth up to $2,500 each.
Even more heartbreaking, the thieves stole an eight year old dog named Stacy. The thieves may have thought that she also was a valuable puppy because she weighed just two pounds due to an illness.
"If she's not taken care of properly, I don't think she'll live more than two or three days," according to Bush.
Bush hopes the thieves will at least drop off Stacy in a safe location, and she's pleading with people not to buy any puppies without official paperwork from a breeder.
There is a $2,500 reward. People with information about the burglary are asked to call the Buena Park Police Department at 714-562-3901.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shih Tzu clean white face

How to Have and Keep a Super White Face (and Remove Existing Stain) On Your Shih Tzu

By Chris Jones

First be sure your food and treats have no added color. Stick to white or pale colored "cookies" and treats. Examples would be Old Mother Hubbard's puppy training biscuits, or IAMs biscuits or Nature's Recipe Lamb and Rice Bones. Better quality foods usually don't have color added. If the stools have a red tinge or if you use canned as a supplement check for a pinkish tinge. If it's there, chances are the food has been colored.

In many areas of the country, water is very hard, has a high iron content or has chemicals that aren't good for you or your little dog. Use bottled water or have a reverse osmosis water purification system installed in your home. (In some areas the water is so hard it is known to contribute to kidney and bladder stone formation in both people and pets. That's the first thing we were told by a local water company when we moved here.)

Be sure to use a quart glass water bottle. (Oasis brand is the best.) This way your dog's face will stay dry. He will always have fresh water, free of crumbs and debris. His face will stay cleaner, too, since he won't get into his food when his face is wet and start to look "muddy."

A stainless steel bowl is best. Shih Tzu, being a "brachycephalic," or short faced breed, prefer shallow bowls. Stainless steel is bacteriostatic, it doesn't chip or crack and is easy to keep clean. Some plastics are known to discolor faces. Plastic absorbs odors. Food or water left in plastic containers may have an unpleasant odor, undetected by humans but quiet obvious to dogs who have a much more developed sense of smell.

Some folks like to add a little cider vinegar to the water or even lemon juice. We found that our dogs didn't seem to drink as well. Adding about 100-200 mg. a day of vitamin C daily won't hurt, if you'd like to do that. Some vets say it works, others say it doesn't. A naturopathic vet recommended that I try a zinc supplement for face stain.

If tear ducts are blocked, often tears will spill over and possibly stain the face. Take your thumb and forefinger and gently massage the bridge of the puppy's nose up on the sides under his eyes. Most dogs like this. At first do it once or twice daily for a week or two then just once or twice a week. You may be surprised after a while when the hair starts to grow back in white.

Sometimes an eye inflammation contributes to the eye stain. It is probably "conjunctivitis." You can have your vet check to be sure. You can order or ask your vet for Tetracycline ointment, commonly called "Terramycin." Some folks like to use oral tetracycline. I am afraid we don't recommend it. Ask your vet. We would only recommend this as a last resort. Tetracycline can cause seriously upset stomachs and has to be eliminated through the kidneys. It is best to save an antibiotic for when it is really needed. And then always use enzymes and friendly bacteria to reseed the intestinal tract.

Some people use powders or corn starch under the eyes and on the moustache. Corn starch is fine, talc is not advised. Some dogs will tear and react to powders of any sort coming near their eyes. So use your own judgment here. When we use powder, we use a cosmetic "blusher applicator" brush. Some people use a baby toothbrush or use their fingers to work the cornstarch in. A plastic bottle with a pointed snipped tip is okay, too. You may add 1-2 Tbsps to 1/2 cup of boric acid powder to your cornstarch. Do not use boric acid if there is a chance of another dog chewing on the face hair. Don't get into the mouth. It is caustic to the stomach. The boric acid will help dry, whiten and kill germs on the face hair.

NOTE: You may also want to try adding about ¼ teaspoon of powdered buttermilk to your Shih Tzu’s food daily. This seems to change the chemical composition of the tears and help reduce staining. The powder (available in many supermarkets) must be refrigerated once it is opened but keeps for a long time.

We do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide or other bleach solutions, as they can injure the eyes. In addition, bleach makes the hair more porous and therefore more likely to restain and become brittle.

This article was reprinted with permission of the author and The Shih Tzu Reporter

Shih Tzu Specialty and National

“The Year of the Dragon”
May 8 - 12, 2012*
(*pending AKC approvals)
American Shih Tzu Club
40th National Specialty & Sweepstakes*
30th Obedience Trial & 7th Rally Trial*
hosted by:
Golden Gate Shih Tzu Fanciers
offering Two Specialties*
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
1333 Bayshore Highway
Burlingame CA 94010
Reservations: online: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/shihtzu
or Telephone: 1-888-421-1442 Be sure to mention American Shih Tzu Club for reduced rates.
(Queen beds must be requested/reserved by telephone)
Rates: Single/Double $139, Triple: $154, Quadruple: $169 + taxes
A $50 non refundable pet fee per room will apply
Parking: $5/day (75% discount)
RVs: $20/day; must have room reservation
(subject to change):
Tuesday, May 8: Myra Savant Harris seminar: sponsored by ASTC Charitable Trust
“Canine Reproduction, Whelping techniques, Puppy intensive care”
Wednesday, May 9: Golden Gate Shih Tzu Fanciers - Judge: Neil Graves
Grooming Seminar: “Learn Techniques from the Prosʼ
Thursday, May 10: American Shih Tzu Club: Obedience, Rally - Judge: Cathy Dutra
Golden Gate Shih Tzu Fanciers - Judge: Paullet DeLong
Friday, May 11: American Shih Tzu Club: Puppy Sweepstakes & ʻCut-Downʼ
Sweepstakes - Judge: Don Watson
Annual General Meeting @ Ringside
Saturday, May 19: American Shih Tzu Club
Judges: William Cunningham, Dogs, Jr. Showmanship; Wendy Paquette, Bitches, Intersex
Beautiful San Francisco Bay Area offers a variety of sights to see and things to do!
Within the Greater Bay Area, find Wineries, Breweries, Gardens, Museums, beautiful Pacific coastline in
San Mateo County, plus the many well known tourist attractions in San Francisco, Hotel shuttle to BART
(Bay Area Rapid Transit) and BART into San Francisco provide easy access to downtown San Francisco.